

To submit a scientific abstract to Research on Language, please use the submission form. Please note that only those articles can be published, which are related to empirical research, have not been published elsewhere or have not been submitted for publication elsewhere. All authors must sign an authenticity statement prior to publication.

Submit your manuscript (abstract) as a PDF file. The maximum of your abstract should not exceed 2 pages. The references in the bibliography are excluded from the 2 pages. Please submit an anonymized version of your abstract, in which you delete or substitute names of individuals, institutions or projects in the continuous text (i. e. ‚Author 1‘‚ Author 2‘, etc.) which would allow you to be identified unambiguously. In the case of a publication with multiple authors, ensure that the names of co-authors are deleted or substituted likewise. Whenever you substitute names of authors in the continuous text with [anonymous], you also have to substitute the respective bibliographical references in the bibliography accordingly (with [anonymous]). Label the document with the name RoL and the first three words of your title, i. e. RoL_Perception_temporal_cohesion.

Start your submission

Submission form

Publishing process

Ensure a stringent and coherent abstract organization:

  • First of all, please check if the topic matches the thematic focus of the respective issue (see CfP), or in case of thematically open issues, if the topic is suited to the journal.
  • Briefly explicate the relevance of the topic, which you have explored.
  • Outline the theoretical background and the state of research and/ or the desideratum in research.
  • State your research questions/ hypotheses.
  • Describe your research design (including the sample) and your analysis procedure.
  • Outline your results in the abstract, if applicable. Refer to expectable results and substantiate these theoretically, if you are currently still in the stage of analysis.
  • Conclude with a brief summary and an outlook. It is important to demonstrate, how  your article contributes to or rather if it offers a certain added value to the area of language didactics/ linguistics.

There are several steps to consider before your contribution can be published:

Step 1:
Your abstract will be reviewed by the editorial board and a decision will be made, whether you are allowed to submit an article, which will then be subjected to a review process.

Step 2:
The editorial board will inform you about the acceptance, the possibility to revise your abstract within a period of two weeks or the rejection of your abstract. If the editors have decided in favor of your abstract, you will be asked by e-mail to write the article (45,000 - max. 50.000 characters in total, including spaces and bibliography) within a defined period of time. You will receive a Word document with corresponding format templates, which you should definitely take into account.

Step 3:
(after acceptance of your abstract): Upon receipt of your paper, it will be given to two independent reviewers who will review your paper and make a recommendation as to whether your paper should be published and what revisions, if any, should be made.

Step 4: The editors will inform you whether your contribution has been accepted (with or without revision) or rejected. In general, you will have to revise your contribution. Please revise your contribution directly in the text document (not in correction mode). Please also present your revisions in a table in a separate document, which should be submitted along with the revised contribution. Please be sure to take into account the comments or points of criticism of both reviewers. It should look like the following:

Review 1


Here you list comments for revision or points of criticism from the report.

Here you outline the revisions you have made.



Review 2


Here you list comments for revision or points of criticism from the report.

Here you outline the revisions you have made.



We ask you to take the reviewers' comments and criticisms seriously when revising your review. Our reviewers are required to observe review ethics and put a lot of effort into their feedback.

Step 5:

After submitting your revised article and the document for the presentation of the revision in table form, the article will be reviewed again. You will receive the article for a final review and release it for publication.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Your Research on Language Team

  • Does the length of the article meet the requirements (45,000 to max. 50,000 characters including spaces)?
  • Is the article completely anonymized (including the information in the text and in the bibliography)?󠄄
  • Do the citation style and references comply with the specifications (see document template)?
  • Do the formal criteria (font, font size, formatting, etc.) correspond to the specifications of the document template?
  • Does the article meet the requirements of the criteria that the reviewers will pay attention to?